Secure Seal Tester

Secure Seal Tester

Secure Seal Tester

Secure Seal Tester

Product Code : PSST-07

A Secure Seal Tester is a device used to check the security and leak resistance of a seal on a container, such as a bottle or a jar. The tester frequently includes a vacuum pump, a gauge to gauge pressure, and a connector or hose that connects to the container. In order to measure the pressure inside the container and test a secure seal, a vacuum must be created. If the seal is reliable, the pressure will stay constant, indicating that there are no leaks. If the pressure falls, there may be a seal leak. In order to make sure that containers are properly sealed and won't leak before they are filled with product, the secure seal tester is frequently used in the bottling, packaging, and canning industries. It is an important quality control step in the production process to ensure that the product stays fresh and safe for consumption.