
Bottle cap torque tester in Maharashtra

Bottle cap torque tester in Maharashtra

Bottle cap torque tester in Maharashtra

Product Code : PBCTT-07

To guarantee that neither the substances outside the container nor the contents inside the container can get into it, a bottle cap must be properly sealed. In addition, the container must be openable by the consumer or end user with only a little effort. The bottle cap torque tester in Maharashtra is used to check a bottle's cap seal to make sure it is leak-proof, strong enough to protect the contents, and easy to open when necessary.
Maharashtra's top torque tester is the Perfectgroupindia Torque Tester. To ascertain the relationship between the specified application torque range and removal torque range from bottle caps, a cutting-edge machine is used. By measuring the removal torque of the caps that are applied by the capping machine, it can be used to verify the capping machine.